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I am a woman of transgender experience. Text before anything... I'm a girl of many talents: a jill of all trades, yet still master of some. Which ones you ask Why would I take the thrill of uncovering that mystery for yourself! My talents range from excellent conversationalist, to amateur historian, a budding therapist, and wannabe contortionist. With so many talents you will certainly want to see me again and again to unfurl my layers. Sure, you can meet me one time to see my talents of the more carnal sorts, and you will be more than satisfied. However, you'll find that not only am I talented in the carnal techniques, but I can stimulate your mind,just as well as your body. Call it chemistry, a connection, a vibe - but whatever you call it, know that that is my goal. When two individuals can share the same wavelength for a moment, that's when the magic happens. Come let me journey through your mind for a moment so I can truly take you for a wild ride. « Back to jacksonville ts escorts. |